Special Retreats


November - March

First Aid Course

What to do when a surfer is unconscious. How to carry them safely to the beach. What to do on the beach. Basic skills for surf and life.

Basic Apnea Course

Learn how to remain calm during wipeouts, the most important skill in big wave surfing. Breath holding and conserving energy. All under expertise of Wave Crushers Training System.

Jet Ski Driving Skills

Learn basic jet ski manouvers in calm waters: turning, accelerating, picking up surfers, getting on the sled.

And how to manouver the jet ski through the line up: punching through the white water, riding between sets and towing in.

How To Tow In

After going through all the safety procedures and check list, as well as jet ski maintenance and preparation it is time to learn how to tow and get towed in.

This part of the course takes place at Praia do Norte - Nazaré, home of the biggest waves of the planet.

What's Included:

Booking Form
*required camps
Personal data

Tell us the type of service you're looking for and the dates